Math Resources

Great Mathematical Links


General Math

Math Goodies. This site is intended to help teachers with making lessons for all type of math lesson plans and activities. There are all types of puzzles and downloadable things as well. Check it out!

Math in Daily Life. This site is filled with information and activities to help the teacher and student learn about the ways math is used in their daily lives.

7th Grade Math. This site is strictly for 7th grade math teachers who are looking for lesson units for their subject.

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Dr. Math. This is a question and answer sight. If you have a question on any math topic, ask Dr. Math and he/she will give you the answer.

IMO. This is an interactive math site intended to help you with your solving your algebra equations, formulas and postulates. Geometry and Trigonometry are also discussed in this site. This site is for all Algebra I students and above.

Algebra Reference. This site not only shows examples on how to do basic algebra problems, but also gives many definitions. The site is excellent for giving you the "why" on the reasons for the things you do in the class.

Algebra Online. This site will actually solve an equation and inequality. Students, you can actually substitute any expression or polynomial into the problem and the site will either factor, simplify or expand it.

Algebra Topics. This site is intended to help the you learn how to solve many of the often difficult algebra lessons. Many categories are given to enhance the learning of the student. Geometry, statistics, and even calculus problems are also given.

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Geometry. Euclid have you stumped? Archimedes run rings around your head? Well you've come to the right place. This is where you'll find almost everything you'll ever need to know about Geometry. We have a special page on constructions and plenty of sample problems to help you understand the concepts. Have a blast and don't forget to check out our Glossary - it's huge!

Symmetry and Shapes. This site uses problems that involve symmetry and shapes. Lessons are also given.

Ancient Geometry. This site is intended to give teachers an insight into the history of Geometry.

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Fun Sites

Quia. This site has many games, puzzles, and activities that use not only math, but many other subjects as well. Matching, concentrations, and memory are some of the games used to enhance your learning. In this site, you can create your own learning activities. You can also visit many of the top game activities that are listed, many of which are not only math.

Problems and Puzzles. This site uses problems and puzzles together to make math learning fun and exciting. There are over 40 sites to choose from to have fun.

Instructional Fun. This site was created by teachers in the Rockwood School District for you and all students to enjoy activities through math and all of your classes. You can find something to do in this site which you will have fun and learn something as well.

Super Soda Main Page. This site is a repository of fascinating information, including the world's largest collection of mnemonics. Linked to over a dozen sites all written by the teacher, as well as some sites written by his students, and sites by others about topics of interest. This site grows continually and will undergo massive construction in the summer. Created by Hall-McCarter teacher, Larry Scofield.

Math Puzzles. This site uses problems and puzzles together to make math learning fun and exciting.

Magic Squares. If you like "magic squares", you will need to check out this site. Many uses for the magic square.

Multiplication Rock. Do you remember when you were young and on Saturday mornings saw "School House Rock". Now you can see the math tunes that you grew up to enjoy. Check it out!


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