Language Arts Resources

Great Language Arts Links



Children's Literature. The Children's Literature Web Guide is an attempt to gather together and categorize the growing number of Internet resources related to books for Children and Young Adults. Much of the information that you can find through these pages is provided by others: fans, schools, libraries, and commercial enterprises involved in the book world.

Digital Librarian. Digital Librarian: a librarian's choice of the best of the Web. There are many sites included in the list of main topics to choose from in this site. Click on a topic and see the hundreds of sites to select and see.

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Guide to Grammar and Writing. This site has all of the basics for helping students and teachers with their grammar and writing. Definitions, how to's, etc. are included.

The Grammar Lady. The purposes of the site are to be helpful, to raise consciousness about correct language use, and to remind everyone of the ways to have fun with language.

The Blue Book of Grammar and Puntuation. This site has all you need to know about punctuation and grammar. Lessons on both are included. Great for writing. Even a test to check your grammar is given.

The Online Resource for Writers. This site has all the tools needed for writing. Grammar lessons, writing resources, dictionaries and thesauruses, ESL resources, even a foreign language dictionary. You have to check this out.

Grammar Gorillas. Our friends, the Grammar Gorillas, need help identifying parts of speech. If you click on the right word in the sentence, our friends get a banana. And you know, a gorilla with a banana is a gorilla with appeal.

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Spell Web. This site is intended to help teachers and students with spelling. Just put a word in and it will give you the correct spelling. Check it out!

Spellaroo. Spellaroo can hop better than he can spell. Click on the word that is spelled wrong. If you get twenty right, you will go to the "Land of Joeys".

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Fun Sites

Grammar Rock. Do you remember when you were young and on Saturday mornings saw "School House Rock". Now you can see the grammar tunes that you grew up to enjoy. Check it out!

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